Three Thoughts on 3Oh!3
I have not been to a lot of shows at the Blvd. but I will say that 3 oh! 3 had one of the largest crowds I’ve seen at this venue and it was a Monday Night. That shows the power of the tour sponsor Myspace. 3oh! 3 rocks and is one of the best…
AFI at The Knitting Factory
I always get a little burst of excitement when I walk into a full house at the Knitting Factory. You never know what you are going to get with the crowd but you do know that it is going to be interesting either way. We did manage to catch a snippet of the opening band…
The 4th Annual Acoustic Explosion Showcase at the Empyrean Coffee House
After night one we were ready to take on night two of the Acoustic Explosion. Within the first five minutes of being at the Empyrean both Matt and I were blown away by Maxwell Hughes. Holy cow. Maxwell doesn’t need lyrics to sing, his fast guitar notes create a music that speaks a story of it’s own. He…
The Acorn Project – The Casbah Spokane, Washington
After indulging in one of the spiciest burritos ever, Matty and I headed down to The Casbah to check out Acorn Project. Honestly I was a little nervous because I have never seen a “jam-band” before and I wasn’t sure if I was going to like it but, I ended up loving it. When we…